This Is What A Leader Looks Like: Ryann Lipcon

One of our favorite things about Girl Talk is getting to watch our alumni grow into incredible individuals and leaders in every aspect of their lives…and welcoming them back to Girl Talk with open arms! We are thrilled to introduce Girl Talk alumna and 2018 Camp Coordinator Ryann Lipcon and can’t wait to see the amazing things she does with Girl Talk Camp this year!

This Is What A Leader Looks Like: Ryann LipconName: Ryann Lipcon

How have you been involved with Girl Talk (and how long): I got involved with Girl Talk the summer before I started 9th grade at one of Haley’s book signings! I then went camping that summer, started my own Chapter later that year, become involved in the Teen Advisory Board, and now I am planning camp! So this would be my 7th Year with Girl Talk! (They will never get rid of me 😉 )

Favorite Girl Talk memory: For sure when I received the Ron Bell Inspirational Leadership Award at one of the Wine Tasting Fundraisers we had! I had no idea it was happening, I was actually volunteering and working the event! Mrs. Jill got up and started saying all these nice things about someone and then said my name and I was shocked but so grateful! Couldn’t have been a better surprise!


Where did you go/what did you do after graduating from Girl Talk? I am a rising Junior at Mississippi State University and I am in love with it! I am studying Fashion Merchandising with a double minor in Marketing and Business Administration!

What are you doing now (and how did you decide that that was what you wanted to do?) I am currently serving as Girl Talk’s Camp Coordinator for this years camp! As soon as I was asked to do it, I couldn’t say no and couldn’t think of a better way to give back to this organization.

What are you most proud of? My passion for people.

What is your current dream job? To have Anna Wintour’s job… Editor-in-Chief at Vogue.

What does leadership mean to you? Leadership means being the best version of yourself in everything you do, always having other people’s best interest at heart, and doing the hard stuff with a smile.

What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? “Be passionate about what sets your soul on fire”… Being excited and eager about doing something makes it 10 times easier to do, and most of the time you end up doing it better. so why not do what you love, be amazing at it, and be happy?

What are you most excited for at Girl Talk Camp 2018?  I am always excited every year to see the familiar faces of my Girl Talk Family, as well as the fresh ones that come in the door! But since I’m planning camp and have never had this much behind the scenes access into the making of camp, I’m pumped to see it all come together, especially with the new brand and the amazing changes we’ve made thus far!