The Importance Of Representation With McKenzie and Valheria

“The world doesn’t look like just one person or one group of people, the world looks more like all of the other different kinds of people that are in it.”

Valheria Rocha 

Questions Covered In This Episode

McKenzie and Valheria could you please introduce yourself?

How did photographing Taylor Swift come about?

When you are bringing all of that into a new space, whether you are bringing your musical theatre background, or you’re bringing your heritage into something, or inspiration from other artists, how do you advocate for Valheria?

Valheria, how do you advocate for your heritage especially in a realm where some people don’t want to recognize that in you?

How did you find your voice?

Girl Talk Lessons That Go With This Episode

Find the lessons recommended below in Girl Talk Connection! The questions are part of the takeaway in each lesson! They are great to get you thinking so that you can take better action after listening to this podcast episode.

Self Advocacy

The Future Is Female

Being A Leader

Cultures and Traditions

Podcast and lessons combined will create a successful Chapter meeting!