SHE LEADS – with Natalie

Job Title

Sr Manager, Corporate Communications, Cox Enterprises

What would you tell your younger self?

Don’t be afraid what other people think. Take the time to figure out who you are, what you love and how you can make your own way in the world.

What was your major in college and how did you get to the position you are in today?

In college, I majored in Public Relations & Spanish. I undoubtedly got to where I am today by building positive, trusting relationships with people, and always raising my hand to help. Good references/relationships led to early jobs at restaurants and internships, which eventually led to a successful corporate career across several companies and industries. But — at the end of the day — every bit of my career success has come down to good relationships and helping people accomplish their goals.

What was your inspiration and what helped you become successful? How do you define success?

For me, success is providing a great life for my family — and having the capacity to also support my community.

How do you balance your work and personal life? Often times one has more importance, and we’re curious to know how you’ve handled the balance.

You have to recognize what season of life you’re in at all times. In some moments, you have to hunker down and really focus on work and career — deliver, deliver, deliver. At other times, you have to take a step back at work and focus on your family and loved ones. This balance won’t be consistent. And the most challenging times you may face (on the family side or the career side) won’t last forever. Always be thinking about where and how you’re investing your time and energy — and how that investment will pay off in the future.

What is your favorite quote?

There are three kinds of people in life: Quitters, Campers and Climbers.” Quitters stop before they start. Campers move until they reach a barrier they can’t see past, and then they stop and set up camp. Climbers are the few that keep finding a way to push on past all the barriers until the day they die. Choose to be a climber.  — Erik Weihenmayer, blind mountain climber

What’s your favorite part of your job and why?

Working with an incredible team to deliver smart and well-done campaigns. It’s so satisfying to work hand-in-hand with other talented people to create something impactful, beautiful and meaningful.

What is your favorite hobby?

Rowing. In fact, I’m trying to row in 40 different cities across the U.S. and around the world. I definitely recommend taking something that you love, and establishing a unique goal that will set you up for new experiences and adventures!

What advice do you want to give the next generation of women leaders?

Rise up and help each other along the way.

What does leadership mean to you?

Being someone worthy of following.

What’s your advice on mentoring?

Always work to foster meaningful relationships with the generation above and below you. Sometimes we get in a comfort zone and just focus on friendships with our peers. While this is important, you’ll learn and grow the most through relationships and perspectives from other generations.

What’s your favorite ice cream?

Any ice cream packed with candy.