Girl Talk Announces Executive Director to Lead Organization into Third Decade of Service

November 17, 2023

ATLANTA, GA – The Girl Talk, Inc. Board of Directors is excited to announce their unanimous support in the appointment of Kaela Brown Chang to the role of Executive Director.  Kaela has served the organization since March 2022 in the role of Communications and Development Manager. In this role, she has demonstrated her ability to build trust and endorsement with the organization’s partners, serving the mission by funding impactful programs that empower middle and high school girls through peer-to-peer mentorship.  “Kaela has held previous roles with AmeriCorps and in higher education providing her with the experience to inspire leaders for the future.  2024 is poised to be a year of rapid growth and Kaela’s steady leadership and sharp intuition are invaluable assets in establishing the necessary collaboration with stakeholders,” per Girl Talk Board Chair Sloan Smith.  

Founder Haley Kilpatrick Dozier shares her support for Kaela’s promotion, adding, “Kaela Chang embodies the Girl Talk mission in every way! She’s relational, and leads with confidence and authenticity. We are so proud to have her leading Girl Talk into its third decade of helping to develop the leader in all girls! Her unwavering belief in our mission, combined with her vision for the future of the organization, makes her the leader to help us serve many, many more girls throughout their most formative years.” 

Incoming Board Chair, Renee Newman, echoes the Girl Talk Community’s excitement for new leadership. “Kaela’s vision for the organization in 2024 and beyond makes this the exact right time for her promotion. She has a deep understanding of the challenges the organization has overcome over the years, as well as those faced by the girls we serve.”  

In the organization’s 21st year, Kaela looks forward to continuing to inspire confident leaders and with the support of the growing Girl Talk Community, reaching thousands of more girls on their leadership journeys with Girl Talk’s unique peer-to-peer programming.