SHE LEADS – with Frances Lewis

Job Title

Vice President, Cox Communications

What was your major in college and how did you get to the position you are in today?

My initial major in college was Nursing. Obviously, joining the telecommunications industry varies quite a bit from the area of study while in college. After having a job in college in a business environment, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in leadership. In researching companies that aligned to my values, Cox was the obvious choice to join!

What was your inspiration and what helped you become successful? How do you define success?

Upon joining Cox, I learned about the investments made in developing their employees, I took advantage and leveraged mentors to learn and grow throughout my career and I still do today. I was fortunate to have individuals who provided insight and it’s also become my passion to provide the same assistance and partnership to others through mentoring. Success to me is seeing thriving employees, being your authentic self and making a difference in the communities in which you live and work.

What is your favorite quote?

To whom much is given, much is required.

What’s your favorite part of your job and why?

It’s definitely the people. I enjoy interacting with the team and my peers and delivering results!

What is your favorite hobby?


What advice do you want to give the next generation of women leaders?

Never stop learning and growing and always lead by example.

What’s your advice on mentoring?

Always have a mentor and pay it forward to others as well. Mentors provide you with insight on ways to improve and point out blind spots that you may not be aware of showing. Additionally, these folks could ultimately become sponsors and sponsors are invaluable to you as you continue your career journey.

What’s your favorite ice cream?

My mom’s homemade vanilla ice cream.