She Leads – With Amburrae Horne


Amburrae Horne

Job Title

Account Administrator II, CAI

What would you tell your younger self?

Take a deep breath and keep your head up high.  Believe in yourself, never let words from others effect who you truly are as a person.

What was your major in college and how did you get to the position you are in today?

I am currently still in college for my BA Business of Leadership.  I recently just accepted a position with MDM and I have dedicated myself to learning everything I possibly can, to be a reliable person to people in my future which I will be doing in my new role.

What was your inspiration and what helped you become successful? How do you define success?: 

Success is learning from your mistakes and able to grow upon that to understand how to manage going forward. My inspiration has been my family, niece(s), and godson to keep fighting for what I want the most out of life.  I have always told myself that I am a powerful woman and I will not stop learning or changing how I process my success to fit into a mold, I want to stand out and be that person people turn to and bounce ideas off of to make me feel like my voice is being heard.

How do you balance your work and personal life? Often times one has more importance, and we’re curious to know how you’ve handled the balance.

Since the pandemic, working from home remote I had to learn to adapt to walking away from the computer and not stress that I wasn’t able to get everything done in one day.  Being able to walk outside or take a drive to clear my head then address my personal life has helped to not go from one stressful situation into the next so quickly.  Keeping a journal to write my thoughts and not bottle them up daily without people to talk to in the same room.

What is your favorite hobby?

This is a hard one because I have so many, but I absolutely love lifting weights or working out.  Helps me to relieve stress and focus my mind to a different place.

What advice do you want to give the next generation of women leaders? 

The sky’s the limit when it comes to becoming the successful leader you wish to achieve.  Believe in yourself and never give up!  Educate and learn as much knowledge as your brain will allow you and never be afraid to speak up or ask questions. Never doubt your worth and love yourself unconditionally.

What’s your advice on mentoring?

Mentoring is a great asset in every aspect rather it’s for a younger generation up to elderly, someone always can learn or benefit from knowledge that they were never taught or aware of.  The person must be willing to adapt or change the way they view things to fully get the effect of how the person is going to mentor them.

What’s your favorite ice cream? 

Peanut Butter Chip Homemade