Setareh’s Girl Talk Journey 

We are so inspired by Setareh’s Girl Talk journey! We hope this demonstrates the impact and benefit of our program.

Setareh Is A Girl Talk Alumni (former Leader & Mentee)!

Check out her story below!

Why do I look like this? Should I start eating differently? Should I exercise more? These are some of many questions every young girl asks herself. Our society is shaped by social media, where people portray their idealized lives only. However, we’ve become so oversaturated with these images that we’ve begun to believe the illusion is real. Our brains are bombarded by countless images that are photo shopped, filtered, and face tuned. All made to look deceivingly real. Growing up in a society infiltrated by social media means girls are pressured to change themselves, to try and make their lives seem “perfect” rather than honoring who they are. Those thoughts of thinking I needed to change myself and look different were once mine. I was that girl who constantly compared herself to others, had lacking self-confidence, and wanted to become someone else. That all changed because of Girl Talk.

My journey with Girl Talk began as a middle schooler; I was trying to figure out who I was and embrace that. But it wasn’t as easy as it sounded. Social media had recently taken off and all everyone wanted to do was post about their expensive vacations or their outfits they had just bought. That’s when I started attending Girl Talk meetings, where high school girls taught me to love myself and accept me for who I am. Why change myself when I was made- when we were all made- in a unique and precious way? Why let the scale dictate what I think of myself? Because of Girl Talk, I’ve gained the confidence and leadership skills. Helping me become Student Council President in middle school and today I am President of National Honor Society and Vice President of Rho Kappa. Girl Talk convinced me to stay true to myself, and for that reason, I’ve vowed to pour into others just as older girls once poured into me.

Girl Talk has become my second home, a place where I can help girls realize perfection is non-existent and that flaws are what make us who we are. For the past three years I’ve spent every Wednesday mentoring middle school girls, helping to make them feel comfortable in their own skin. As a Girl Talk Camp Counselor these past three summers, I’ve had the privilege of watching my girls transition from caterpillars to butterflies. Though I am now a mentor to younger girls, I am still a mentee within the national organization, where I represent Girl Talk as an Ambassador, working to collaborate with other chapter presidents, learn from older female role models in positions of power, who further inspire me to continue to grow in an authentic way where I use my voice to build others up.

In times of hardship- when my house got struck by lightning and I practically lost everything, when my sister was bullied for embracing our faith, and when I felt the most isolated because of my nationality- Girl Talk was there. Over the years, I’ve realized the relationships I built through Girl Talk have so much more meaning than the superficial nature of things or pretenders. I have Girl Talk to thank for providing me with substantive relationships with other girls who also see and value their self-worth.

No matter where life leads me, I will continue to share with young women

that the “ideal” image that society would have them buy into, will never be as fulfilling as the authentic lives they create for themselves. And that the meaningful relationships they build with like-minded women along the way will empower them to be leaders of our future. This is my Girl Talk Story.

– Setareh