Jess’s Girl Talk Story

One of my favorite words is serendipity, meaning that things work out for the best and in the way
that they’re meant to. I was meant to become a part of the Girl Talk community, and so
serendipity led me to them one fateful day the summer after my freshman year of high school. I
was searching online for volunteering opportunities when I stumbled upon the Girl Talk Camp
Counselor application. After realizing it was due that very same day, I took that as a sign and
decided to fill it out right then.

That decision changed me for the better. My first year at Girl Talk Camp brought me into a
strong and loving community that I desperately needed. Being able to impact the next generation
of female leaders through serving as a Camp Counselor and bonding with fellow change-makers
was an indescribable experience that I never wanted to stop- literally. Seven years later, Girl Talk
and I are still inseparable.

I’ve been involved as a Co-Lead Counselor, Teen Advisory Board (TAB) member, Ambassador,
Club Advisor, Camp Coordinator, Ambassador Coordinator, and I had the honor of receiving the
Ron Bell Family Foundation Inspirational Leader of the Year Award. Currently I serve as an
Intern and am an active participant and leader within the Girl Talk Alumni Network.

I never would’ve imagined that an organization I became involved with at the age of 14 when I
was in high school, I would still be involved with now at the age of 23 when I’m in graduate
school. But that’s just how incredibly powerful the Girl Talk Community is. Through Girl Talk, I
have become more confident and comfortable with being authentically myself. I have gained
many connections and close friends. I have grown as a leader and have been inspired to take on
leadership opportunities outside of Girl Talk, including as Founder and President of a
photography club at my school.

Through Girl Talk, I have become more confident and comfortable with being authentically myself.

Looking back, I would tell my 9-year-old self that it’s okay to be fully myself. Every one of us
offers unique and amazing qualities to the world. It doesn’t matter what other people think about
who you are or if you’re different from other people. Just being yourself is enough. And
sometimes it takes some time to figure out who you are and that’s okay too. Personal growth and
learning is a life-long journey, and I would not be on the same path I’m on now if it weren’t for
the impact of Girl Talk.

Girl Talk has been inspiring girls like Jess to be confident leaders for over two decades, and in partnership with Dove and Sam’s Club, we will be doubling our reach nationwide. Join us in empowering thousands of more girls to build confidence and self-esteem through our peer-to-peer programs.

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