Girl Talk’s New Program Manager, Melissa Henriques!

Melissa Henriques is an alumna of Mercer University and is currently obtaining a Master of Public Administration from Georgia State University. Melissa has a passion for bridging opportunity gaps for all girls specifically in education and leadership initiatives. Melissa is now Girl Talk’s new Program Manager!

“No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.”

– Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama’s quote are words Melissa has lived by for nearly eight years now. Melissa says, “Michelle’s words perfectly capture the importance of advocacy and leadership development work. I hope that under my leadership our communities can begin to look a bit more like the world that Michelle envisions.”

In what ways have you seen Girl Talk make an impact on the future generation of leaders?  

I have had the pleasure of being apart of Girl Talk Camp. It is a week full of encouragement, laughter, and uplifting the next generation of female leaders. Each and every individual who was apart of that camp whether they were a volunteer, counselor, or camper left with a full heart and the tools ready to be a better leader.