Girl Talk Leader Reflects on Her Girl Talk Story

Hi! My name is Mackensie. I’m 18 years old and live in Atlanta, GA. When I was in middle school, I loved participating in Girl Talk, and looked to my leaders for advice regarding friends, family, and school life. I remember wanting to be just like them. Now, as a senior in high school, I am honored to fill my leaders’ shoes as a second-year Girl Talk Leader for sixth grade girls. Being a Girl Talk Leader is one of my favorite activities and I truly look forward to seeing the girls each week and getting to know them, while also teaching them valuable lessons they’ll use for the rest of their lives.

As a trained Girl Talk Leader, some of my responsibilities are to teach confidence, leadership, and life lessons to middle school girls. A few of my favorites lessons I’ve taught have been Choosing to Be Kind, Stop Comparing Yourself to Others, and How to Talk to Your Parents without Screaming. It’s so fun to have the girls answer the discussion questions and hear their opinions on everything. It’s also meaningful for me to provide insight to them, and I hope that they take it to heart.


Girl Talk has truly made a difference in my life and I can’t imagine my life without it; I’m not looking forward to my being a leader ending in a few weeks when I graduate! Girl Talk is a great organization and out of all my friends who have done it, I don’t know one who hasn’t been impressed. If you’re on the border about joining Girl Talk – whether you are a parent, middle schooler, or high schooler looking to become a leader – I can’t recommend enough getting involved. Girl Talk has had such a positive impact on my life and I know it will for you, too.


Girl Talk is a peer-to-peer mentoring program that pairs middle school girls with high school girls who serve as mentors. Our mission is to see confident girls to grow up to be confident women who are strong leaders and are passionate about giving back to their community.