From Riding In A Plane To Flying The Plane With Lindsay Steffes

“Do not let outside pressure you might feel from people that don’t know you, or don’t love you and don’t support you, don’t let those people’s opinions effect you or effect your decision making process and what direction your career is going to go.”

Lindsay Steffes

Questions Covered In This Episode

When did you know you wanted to be a pilot?
What does it take to be a pilot for any girls out there wanting to follow in your footsteps?
Who empowered you along the way to get where you are today?
What kind of obstacles do you have or have you faced along the way?
How do you handle the pressures of your job?
What kind of advice would you want to give girls wanting to have a career in a male dominated space?

Girl Talk Lessons That Go With This Episode

Find the lessons recommended below in Girl Talk Connection! The questions are part of the takeaway in each lesson! They are great to get you thinking so that you can take better action after listening to this podcast episode.

Self Advocacy

The Future Is Female

Podcast and lessons combined will create a successful Chapter meeting!