Destigmatizing Mental Health With Julia Paxton

Mental health is an everyday battle because of that we have good days and we have bad days. The bad days are not a reason to give up. Our bad days are the reason to keep going so that we can experience more good days. It does get better. 

Melissa Henriques

Questions Covered In This Episode

What is a question that should be asked to start the conversation about self care and mental illness? 

How have you broken the shame of the stigma around mental illness? 

What piece of advice would you give someone walking through the same things you went through?

How do you give your self permission to feel joy when it is difficult to do so?

How has defining the stigma around mental illness empowered you to become an advocate for On Our Sleeves, the mental health organization, that you stand for.

Was your fear of resistance keeping you from being honest?

What keeps you going when society does push back?

How do you fight to keep breaking the stigma of mental health illnesses? 

What or who gave you the bravery to share your story? 

Girl Talk Lessons That Go With This Episode

Find the lessons recommended below in Girl Talk Connection! The questions are part of the takeaway in each lesson! They are great to get you thinking so that you can take better action after listening to this podcast episode.

Mental Health

Asking For Help

Expressing Emotions

Podcast and lessons combined will create a successful Chapter meeting!