Ambassador Advice On Community

“To me, community is your general support system that pushes you to be your best and people that you can learn something from.”

Kirti, Ambassador

Questions Covered In This Episode

How can we define community?
What does community mean to you?
Has there been a time that your community rallied around you to make you seen, heard, and valued?
How have you rallied behind someone else in your community? How have you stepped up when someone else was having a hard time?
What are the characteristics you require for your close friends or your community?
How would you encourage a girl who is struggling to identify her community?

The Challenge

Pick 3 people in your community that you are grateful for and let them know!

Girl Talk Lessons That Go With This Episode

Boundaries In Relationship

Global Advocacy

Serve Your Community 

Podcast and lessons combined will create a successful Chapter meeting!