2022 Natural Life Scholarship Winner – Mia Haglund

Congratulations Mia On Being Awarded The 2022 Natural Life Scholarship!

Meet Mia

I am the founder and leader of the local chapter of Girl Talk in my community and a Girl Talk National Ambassador. I have many followers on social media, most of whom are in middle school. I wanted to positively impact the girls in my community and teach them the values of Girl Talk and how to navigate social media safely. I strive to be a leader and show younger girls how to be a leader and have self confidence.

How has being a Girl Talk Leader impacted you?

Girl Talk has allowed me to realize how rewarding it is to mentor younger girls. I made many friendships from Girl Talk and saw first-hand the impact I was having on younger girls. I saw them grow into great leaders and become more confident. Seeing this impacted me because I got the reward of seeing my positive influence on the girls I was working with. This inspires me to continue my Girl Talk position to help many more girls become confident leaders. I have helped over a hundred girls become happier, confident leaders, and I plan on helping hundreds more by bringing Girl Talk to college with me. I am also excited my Girl Talk chapter is continuing with the new leaders I have chosen and coached to lead Girl Talk next year when I am in college.

Tell Us About Your Project You Completed

I decided to hold a dental care drive in my communhity to support our local Ada Jenkins dental clinics. Ada Jenkins provides free dental services and supplies to the community in need. Ada Jenkins was not receiving as many donations as usual, and many people in the community were in need of dental supplies. This need grew during the pandemic. I reached out to Ada Jenkins to ask how we could help. They said they desperately needed dental supplies to stock their pantries. I collected toothpaste, toothbrushes, floss, and mouth rinse. I made flyers about the drive and put them into mailboxes around my neighborhood. I also advertised on our local social media pages.

How has this project helped to refine and expand your leadership skills?

This project has helped me build relationships and communication skills and taught me how to carry out a vision successfully. It allowed me to grow my leadership schools by reaching out to the leaders at Ada Jenkins and finding ways to make a positive impact.