Talia’s Girl Talk Story

My Girl Talk journey started junior year of high school. We were back to in-person school and I wanted to find a way to get more involved. One of my teachers was looking for new Girl Talk Club leaders and asked me if I was interested. I had heard whispers of this club called Girl Talk, but didn’t know anything about it. I went home, looked it up, and instantly connected with what I read. I convinced my two best friends to join me and together we took a leap of faith and agreed to lead. 

For two years I got to be a Club Leader at my school. I went in excited about how I was going to change the lives of younger girls, but I didn’t realize how they would change mine. We created a space where we laughed, cried, and let ourselves be vulnerable. Junior year ended up being my hardest year yet, and Girl Talk is what kept me going. The girls would get so excited to see me in the hall and tell me about their day. They’d come to me for advice and ask how I was doing too. In creating a safe space for those girls to be their authentic selves, I found a safe space to be my authentic self as well. 

Girl Talk is a community that I know will always love and support me. It has taught me how to live authentically and be confident in who I am.

After being a Girl Talk Club Leader I went on to be a camp counselor for a year, then a volunteer. Camp only solidified my love for the organization. Getting to see girls grow in their confidence and knowing I played a role in that brings me so much joy. 

Girl Talk and the people within it have made me the person I am today. Growing up I didn’t always feel like I fit in or had a community that supported me. I was scared to use my voice and make myself heard. I found that community in Girl Talk. They made me feel seen and heard. Because of Girl Talk I am a confident leader that strives to make everyone feel seen and heard. Through Girl Talk, I’ve also created relationships that will last a life time. Campers, counselors, mentees, and mentors, they’ve all profoundly impacted my life. I am forever grateful for all that Girl Talk has given me. 

Girl Talk has been inspiring girls like Talia to be confident leaders for over two decades, and in partnership with Dove and Sam’s Club, we will be doubling our reach nationwide. Join us in empowering thousands of more girls to build confidence and self-esteem through our peer-to-peer programs.

Learn more by visiting: https://samsclub.com/DoveSelfEsteem