She Leads – With Jaime Griffith

Name: Jaime Griffith

Job Title: Dealer Solutions Consultant II, CAI

What would you tell your younger self? I would tell my younger self to never doubt your own abilities to create your future. I would tell her not to be scared of regret and to learn from your mistakes quicker in order to succeed faster.

What was your major in college and how did you get to the position you are in today? I am currently studying for my bachelor’s in Organizational Leadership and Development with a minor in Communication at Arizona State University. After becoming a corporate trainer I fell in love with training and developing new employees within the automotive industry. As a woman on a mission to change the way people think about the car business; developing new employees to provide a positive experience to clients is a start to change the reputation.

What was your inspiration and what helped you become successful? How do you define success? Watching my mother work her through the ranks in the service side of the automotive industry she inspired me to follow her footsteps. Mesmerized by her tenacity, grit and just plain old hard work she has shown me that despite many obstacles, you can overcome any adversity.

What’s your favorite part of your job and why? Everything! The people, travel, new experiences and most of changing lives.

What is your favorite hobby? Karaoke, fishing, writing and traveling.

What’s your favorite ice cream? Oddly Butter Pecan