SHE LEADS – with Heather Frank

Job Title

Sr. Client Solutions Executive, Cox Automotive

What would you tell your younger self?

No job is EVER worth your health or personal well-being.

What was your major in college and how did you get to the position you are in today?

I majored in History in College and always wanted to be a teacher.  I ended up working in radio and digital advertising sales for several years.  During those years in the Las Vegas market, I developed strong business relationships that allowed me to get a dream job as the Marketing Director for Las Vegas Harley-Davidson.  I ended up relocating to Dallas Texas and had the opportunity to work as the Marketing Manager for the Dallas Fort-Worth Manheim Auto Auction.  My skills as a media sales representative is what eventually led me to my current role.  I get to combine my knowledge of the wholesale and retail automotive market with my love of truly wanting to help and teach my clients how to be the best they can be.  I thrive on providing my clients solutions to their challenges and being there to help them through every step of the way.

What was your inspiration and what helped you become successful? How do you define success?

I always loved the feeling of closing a deal.  Whether a 20 page contract, a cocktail napkin and a sharpie or an old fashioned handshake, success is getting clients to agree to what you advise them to do by leading them through the process.

What is your favorite quote?

“Don’t get caught watching the paint dry…”   (Gene Hackman in Hoosiers)     Meaning:  Develop a plan, execute your plan but with fervor, and don’t overthink it.

What is your favorite hobby?

I sing and play mandolin in a band with my husband in my free time.  We play Top 40 music in the North Texas area.

What advice do you want to give the next generation of women leaders?

Knowledge is Power.  Do your research, ask hard questions and always continue to learn away from the board room.  Demonstrate passion, be articulate, and stand your ground inside the board room.

What does leadership mean to you?

The best leaders are those who lead by example.

What’s your favorite ice cream?

Gold Medal Ribbon:  Baskin Robbin’s!